The #1 thing Founders are afraid to say out loud

“I don’t know what I’m doing.”

That is a phrase we hear over and over again in our work with Founders and CEOs.

Like most things, the first step to solving a problem is admitting you have a problem, but when everyone around you expects you to have all the answers, you can’t tell them you don’t.

But here’s the thing. Your board, your business partner, your employees…..your spouse…. your friends…….they all know you have a problem. It’s showing up in your financials, your relationships, and your culture. Not every Founder is passionate about or is even good at all the leadership skills needed to run a company. And they don’t have to be.

Founders put an incredible amount of pressure on themselves to be able to do everything flawlessly: run the business, keep investors happy, grow top and bottom line, and still maintain their personal relationships day to day.

But a lot of the time, they’re so burned out and overworked that they’re in constant fight or flight mode, responding and reacting to a never-ending stream of “asks.” They wake up one day and realize they’re not even enjoying the life they’ve built.

That’s where we come in. Using a framework we’ve used with hundreds of other successful leaders, we help Founders and CEOs build a plan for themselves that’s in alignment with their values, what matters to them, and creates a renewed sense of meaning and purpose in their businesses and their personal lives. If this sounds like where you’re at, book a call with us today so we can start getting you some relief from the overwhelm.


How to fix your broken company culture


Forum for Business: Big Change Through Personal Transformation