The Hatch Company – Top 5 reasons your company isn’t scaling

One of the biggest issues we’re called in to fix for CEOs and Founders is how to scale their businesses.

Usually, they’ve incubated a great company, but are hitting a ceiling where they can’t move beyond a certain revenue number. In our experience, the pattern looks something like this:

1. The CEO is the CEO of everything. The visionary, the operations lead, the head of marketing, and sometimes the company therapist. When the entire solar system of your company revolves around you, you will not be able to grow.

2. The people that got you here won’t get you to the next level of growth. Lots of founders in particular feel a lot of loyalty to the “ride or die” people that helped them get where they are, and that should absolutely be rewarded. But sometimes during growth, people become over-jobbed, and you need to course correct for that. Sometimes even the CEO needs to step out of operations in order to make growth happen.

3. You don’t have the infrastructure to scale We get it, you had to build the proverbial plane while flying it, but if you want to scale, you need to scale GOOD processes and systems, not bad ones.

4. There’s no short or long term vision or strategy for growth. This includes not setting the right targets and making them realistic.

5. Your culture is broken. We see this one a lot. Does your culture feel like Sons of Anarchy but you really want it to feel like Modern Family? This work takes time and consistency, but it starts with having the right people - and the right leaders especially.

If any of this sounds like you, let us help. Book a call with The Hatch Company so we can get you some help right away.


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